Sunday, October 4, 2009

(TPCK) Learning framework for technology integration

If you look at some of the research done on technology integration you will find that teachers are still not comfortable with the technology component of student learning. So they tend to focus on the the technology when integrated and not the learning out come.
Elizabeth Helfant refers to TPCK model as this,"TPCK is a framework that does an excellent job of explaining technology integration. In my mind, it moves technology from an integrated role to an integral one. It acknowledges the expertise associated with technology, content, and pedagogy and demonstrates the strength in overlapping any of the areas. The real power in teaching and learning occurs when all three areas overlap. As Angela Maiers said, what was once an expertise has shifted and not embracing that means never reaching the center point of the TPCK model."

Here is an article that Elizabeth Helfant wrote.

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