Monday, June 18, 2012

Quote ~ - Jon Castelhano, CIO Advisor Technology Chanage

Every week a new shiny device is released and it can become distracting from the educational goals of a district, unless the focus is on good teaching and not the device.
Take the time to collaborate and create a foundational plan that will guide good teaching practices that support the learning goals.

- Jon Castelhano, CIO Advisor

I believe that the quote just helps to remind me of what I always have to keep in mind when making these decisions.
We can’t stay stagnant and we always need to be evaluating what we are doing within the continually improving process and the trends of the educational world around us. I also believe that we have to keep this in balance from getting caught up in the hype and sales spin of marketing. Further more if we don’t evaluate these trends and the moving ahead with educational systems changes. We stand to fall behind our peers in education of our students. To accomplish balance, I believe that it means making sure that the changes are based in solid research and known best management practice. Also in taking the time to collaborate with the team members, create buy in from the group and establish it as part of the learning culture.
I am in no way saying that we in education don't follow some or all these philosophy, it is just easy if we don't keep it in mind to skip this when implementing some new educational widget. Also if we don’t take the time to-do this with for thought in mind, we will be using valuable resources. These resources could be needed somewhere else within the organization and reduced the education outcome of our children.

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