Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Parents push for open education when their children are in need | opensource.com

We need to think different about students that struggle in traditional classrooms. They may not fit our idea of what and how a student should learn. This article from Opensource.com talks about Thomas Edison one of the great minds as a child was thought of as a slow learner and not able to learn. We know now that he just thought different then most people. In a book wrote by Thom Hartmann called, "The Edison Gene" he says, "that people like Thomas Edison may hold immense value to human evolution and possibly the key to survival of the human species due to their open mind and creativity, despite symptoms or a diagnosis of ADHD. Instinctively Nancy Edison knew that her son had tremendous potential and that his creativity and inventions had immense value. She encouraged her son to learn by doing. And she never considered her son's hearing impairment to be a barrier either."

For the full article go to this link
Parents push for open education when their children are in need | opensource.com

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